Monday, December 31, 2007
appy new yr to all...
n hope what we wished will come true before d' ending.. aminnn... insyaAllah..:)
Monday, December 24, 2007
when every move that u make seems out of place..
and u don't have any clue how to get off of it..
and when things never get defined..
and ur tears falls again...
and the sadness is in ur eyes...
don't just walk away and left it behind..
even it's so hard to move on..
don't let the hate takes over the love..
coz someday..
u'll find the place again of ur joy and hapiness..
hope is still there..
u just have to search for it.. > lol sound like motto..:P
My First Melody
23rd nov 2007 @ 11.44pm ~ d' first melody sank..
means > its already been a month but cam dh lama jer..:)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
thanks to my parents.. my c's, my bro.. him.. my prenssss.. my bosss.. byk advice yg dorg bg.. time kacih yer.. tp byk yg same..:P > jgn garu.. tahan yer.. saba yer.. minum air kelapa bebanyak.. jgn kena air ujan.. minum air banyak2... n etc..
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Ida's Wedding, 17 nov 07
ni tgh berarak..:)
sweet jer pengantin nih..:):)
cantik puan ida..:):) moga berkekalan hingga k akhir hayat..:) aminnn..:):)
cidinla yg drive ms tu..:P:P
Monday, November 12, 2007
i keep trying to smile the same smile even my life full of sorrows
smile with joy though my heart pounding to cry
coz i know with my smile, i can make u smile back at me..
hope for something so i can hold my dream
hope for something so i can believe there's a chance to grab
hope for something so i can keep trying
hope for something so i can start a new beginning
from bad to gud
from empty tank to full of knowledge
from sad to joy
and redha with all d' ketentuan..
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Kitorg ke genting..:)
hehe.. cik cikin n cik nazirah..:):)
ni begamba kat depan kaunter bowling tu.. *hehe sni pun jd gak begamba..:P*
esoknyer.. kitorg jenjalan lg.. tgkap2 gamba lg.. ni begamba ngn dinasorrr.. hehe..:):)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
u cannot touch the same water twice..
because the flow that has passed will never pass again..
enjoy every moment of life..
Thursday, September 06, 2007
k.. enough with all those "tipah tertipu" my nxt event will be at Restoran berputar Seri Angkasa, Menara KL.. it's on 11th Sept. Hope i can get the cheque frm finance before d' event.. i nd for 50% deposit.. oh.. Godd... plsssssss.... Dah send an email to ms lim.. berjela panjang dok terangkan why we have to use proforma invoice and not d' ori invoice for d' deposit.. pls..pls... luluskan jerla our cheque tu.. :)
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
td echah dtg but me xde kat gumh.. :(
tp pape pon she still in kl.. so bole kua ngn dia nnti..;)
my schedule reallyyyy..realllyyyy... tight..
but alhmdulillah still under control.. :)
Monday, July 30, 2007
i hate to say ths to u..
but u really annoying..
already mention.. dun call me with tht name..
but u really make me mad.. over d' limit dh ni..
dun no wht else to say to make u understnd..
just hope u can walk away frm my life asap.. kejam ker..? hmmm..
Thursday, July 26, 2007
but Alhamdulillah... found it today..
n million thanks to d' cleaner yg sudi pulangkan semula my cellphone..
n thanks to tenant juga..:)
n thanks to all yg doakan utk jumpa balik my cellphone..
Allhamdulillah.. really happy..:):):)
Thanks Allah..
"nikmat Tuhan kamu yg mana yg hendak kamu dustakan" - nope.. non.. smuernyer ku bersyukur.. Alhmdulillah.. Allah permudahkan segala urusanku.. Aminn.. Alhmdulillah..:):)
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
maybe shld start wif 'A' or maybe '1'
later end it wif 'Z' + ? = means, there's no end in life..
i'm picturing myself as petani + penternak.. huhuu...
so cold in here..
last nite updating my mp3 list in my hp.. currently ada bout 80 songs..
no matter how far u run..
u still hav to face d' truth..
stop blaming..
me really not belong to d' romantika themes..
Monday, July 23, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
frog prince dh abis dl.. psni bole tgk.. if not mistaken ada 30 eps kot.. huhuhu
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
"shikin u look so stress today.. why..? "
huh.. ms tu panas jer muka... malu jer.. pastu cm nak nangis.. sbb terharu.. hahahaha...
nway.. thanks for ur concern bos.. beshhh bangat dpt u as my bos..:):)
face to face at last..
but.. still dun knw wht's d' strategy been strategies.. ~eh ada btui ka ayat..?!?
my presentation is on ths thursday..
n me still can't figure out wht i wanna present..
Friday, July 13, 2007
maybe i've plan ths w'end.. n maybe not..
all depends..
but i think i'm dating wif tv programme kot..
a lot of cartoon to be watched.. lol
i'm d' first presenter for issuess..
and it's nxt thursday..
why me..???? hmm.. xpela.. ada hikmahnyer.. insyaAllah.. aminnn..
hope everything goes well on tht day inclding my presentation..
wish me luck eh... :):)
Thursday, July 12, 2007
dun know where did i throw them..
just do wht u feel good.. dun just listen to others..
u d' only one who will face d' risk.. not otherss..
some Q to ans...
*does d' gov owe u money..? wht a Q.. lol
*work sucks..? i dun think so.. im happy wif my work..:)
*wanna go for a cruise..? of course d' ans yes if it's free.. :P
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
ths sem i've to be punctual to class..
dh ada alarm kat pintu kelas... damnnnn...
dh tokle nak sajer2 dtg lewat.. tak best btul..:(:(
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Okey, this is the rule.
If you are tagged, you need to write an entry related to the meme. At the end of your entry, you just need to tag as many people as you like. You will then leave a comment in their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
In addition, to include this message, "By doing this meme you are contributing rm127 to the Darul Izzah Orphanage".
When you have done yours, please leave a comment in Mr Idhams's blog - so that he can keep count. His goal of having 100 people completing this meme before 26th August!.
The meme is about completing at least seventeen out of the following twenty seven sentences........ *These can be copied and pasted to your entry*
1. A person is only as good as - u can accept the way he/she is.. -eh ada butui ka..?
2. Friendship is always - sincere..
3. To love is to – to accept all d' guds and bads of other half…
4. Money makes me – happy.. huhuhu...
5. I miss – my family.. my old me.. my buddiesss... my scoolll... :):)
6. My way of saying I care is by – my shoulders is yours..
7. I try to spread love and happiness by – keep on smiling..
8. Pick the flowers when – **same reason wif iejay** when my hand feel 'gatal' to pick it
9. To love someone is to – accept all of his badss n gudsss..
10. Beauty is – comes from inside
11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most was – I'm small..??? hahaha...
12. When I was twenty one, I remember – finished my Dip and start working wif YTM..??
13. I am most happy when – others happy..
14. Nothing makes me happier than – my family's and frennsss smile...
15. If I can change one thing, I will change – hmmm.. d' future... hehe
16. If smiles were – the way to bring the world peace, then I – realllyyyyy willing to smile all the time smpi kesemut otot2 pipi.. hehehe...
17. Wouldn't it be nice if we could – help each other n live happily ever after... *opss cm fairy tales plak..:P:P*
18. If you want to be love, then you have to – learn to share your love first.. :)
19. Money is not everything but – still important.. wahahahaha *huh nak bayar bil tepon byk lepas nih...!!! :P:P
20. The most touching moments I have experienced – hmm byk sgt... smuer touching.. thanks to my family.. my frennsss.. all d' dramassss... -eh ni bole incld ker..? :P
21. I smile when – I want too.. :)
22. When I am happy, I – smile.. :):)
23. If only I don't have to work but still get money every month, then – i'll spend my time in front of d' pc reading all those enovelssssss.... kehkehkeh...
24. The best thing I did yesterday was – driving dgn lesen yg telah mati... n so today..:P:P
25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title - *hmmm do i hav to ans this..? im not the expertest writer but expertesssttttt reader, yesss....:):):)
26. One thing I must do before I die is – to pray for His forgiveness and mengucap bebanyak.. + nak bykkan amal + nak buat baik byk2…+ dll... insyallah!! *opsss kner mention satu jer eh.. if incld in one sentence kire ok gak kan..:P:P
27. Doing this meme, I feel like – errr…happy... it's for charity kan..kan.. :):)
Phweee…Habis akhirnya!!!
Me nak tag sapa ek..?? Errr…kali ini nak tag :
2.Farida hazwani
dan Kepada sapa2 yang jenguk blog saya ni kalau rajin nak buat derma pun boleh juga..!! UNTUK TUJUAN CHARITY.... :)
Monday, July 09, 2007
celcom to celcom --> ok jer..
conclusion.. my hp xde prob.. but server/n'work yg prob..
my server group down.. can't open my corp mail..:( they said another 10mins all shld be ok.. n hope they tell me d' truth..
hav u ever felt tht u've been betrayed by sumone.. have i..? hmm.. luper plak.. xde lg kot..
but i do sumtime feel bad of wht i've done to other pple when i'm a kid..
i just can't believe tht's me.. so notty... n soooo.. nakal.. n jahat too *tht my c's said* lol..
i hope i can be a good c's but seems like im not born into it..
Sunday, July 08, 2007
back to current schedule..
'll back at 10.00pm ++..
but there's sum prob..
d' admin has made sum changes on d' time table..
will be 3 classes on tuesday.. n no class on wed.. shoot man..
how im gonna fin my study next june..?
maybe i just hav to take 2 classes on tuesday..
but how me gonna do tht..
both sub was on d' same time + same day..
oh God..
Saturday, July 07, 2007
oh no..!!! r u really want her..
maybe u dun really luv her..
u dun even hav guts to face her..
stop telling those lies..
it will hurt more..
maybe just my imagination..
but all seems real..
before believe..
it already sank in me..
i hate when this feelings come..
it's just not me..
why im mad..
it's not ur fault..
i miss my old me..
hate when u try to change me..
hate those magic words that u keep telling me..
hate when u try to be nice to me..
hate it.. but i like it..
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
it 'll cost me RM200++ shoooottttt man... 2nd thought dun buy it.!!!!
suddenly, mom have lotttt anak angkatsss.. lol..
yup.. miss sumone now.. huh..sadissss...!!!
sometimes, u think you knew but later u lost..
people always change so, dun blame me if im transform..
now u see, now u dun...
n when u want to see, they never came
but when u refuse to see, they already there..
hard to explain.. hard to deny..
hard to understand.. till now i dun know why...
Friday, June 29, 2007
tomorrow's plan..- pi mid valley.. :)
opss... just rmmbered.. i can fill my time by reading those enovel.. wahahahaha... k gtg now.. enovel, here me come.. yihaaaa... :):):):)
last week was my b-day.. thnks to those who wished..:) n to those yg x wish lg tu, make sure next yr dun forget eh.. heheheh *opss cm ugut plak*
till yesterday, my lunch was sponsored.. hehehhh.. tingqyu..tingqyu..:)
nxt month, 'll start pumping my mind.. another 1 yr to go.. aja..aja.. fighting..!!!
torrent #$%^&& slow.. huhhh..!!!
happy wif my result... :):):):)
since she's bck, every nite we spent watching those undefine movies.. byk bangat tuh... c's keep ur gud work eh.. dl lg bebanyak..
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
hr ni only 2 bars choc yg bole msk dlm perut.. yg lain rejected.. hahaha.. seminggu cmni i bole kurus ke or gemok..? raser bole kurus kot.. (^-^)v
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Then I wish you all the best
It's your happiness that matters most of all
But if she ever breaks your heart
If the teardrops ever start
I'll be there before the next teardrop falls
This morning was a fight to get up
Those words still ringing in my head
I’m all alone in the grip of the silent sadness
Monday, May 21, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
where shud i buy those flowers...? hmmm...
Monday, May 14, 2007
love lily... terutamanya.. calla lily..:)
Saturday, May 12, 2007
happy for her..:)
me - counting d' day to fetch her at klia.. insyaAllah.. aminnn...
Thank you Allah.. for everything you gave me.. my family.. :)
Friday, May 11, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Monday, April 30, 2007
hephep.. horaiiii...!!!!
d' test dh dpt info.. so hav to write jer balik.. kertas A4 plak tinggl kat gumh klu tak bole siapkan... tp xpe.. bole buat DOL ngn analysis dulu.. ;) waaa.. aja aja fighting..!!!!! yup.. u can do it shikin..!!!!!
pasni touring SAP jap.. rindu plak kat SAP..!!! huh..!!!
currently tgh abiskan my choc milk.. -dutch lady.. 500ml.. hehe..
assign yg kner anta on 3rd May n smuer x siap lg..:
-Grouping ~ presentation report, role play report
-Individual ~ DOL, V. tapping, VT report, Role play analysis/comment, take home test
my next paper:
-HRU ~ 2nd May
-IBM ~ 10th May
-Global ~ 13th May
::::::::::::::: *-*:::::::::::::::::
it's hard for me to explain
but also hard for me to keep it alone..
Sunday, April 29, 2007
waaa... malunyer..:((
just me..;)
-me just me-
Saturday, April 28, 2007
stranger in me..
hate to wait.. yup admit.. it feels weird when u dun even know wht exactly u waiting for..
wht’s wrong wif me..?
why I’m so scared..?
will someone save me..?
there were moments I lived without light on my side
why me keep on missing the small things..
feel like stranger to myself..
yeah.. there’s a stranger in me..
Friday, April 27, 2007
today.. penat sgt..!!! byk sgt kjer...!!!! the most penat thing was.. -prepare ITPRC nyer paper... waduhhh.. but it's fun.. yup really..really fun.. haa.. remmber last nite i said tht my bos 'll be on leave today kan.. but dia dtg td.. hahhahaa... sian.. he canceled his leave.. gor few mtg to be attended.. and currently he still in d' mtg.. ;P
kla.. nak pi legal to sttle our grpnyer contract jap.. pastu trus balikla.. tak larat dh ni... huhuhu...:P:P
Thursday, April 26, 2007
org yg cuti esok dlm my grp..:
-my boss, en. sabri, adilah (half day), kak ct
though my bos cuti esok.. but still hav be a PA gak.. sbb CIO tak cuti. n me kner jaga dier esok.. already checked his schedule n ada guest plak tu.. already advice kak ct not to put any appt. tomorrow in his schedule but he suddenly rqst la plak.. waduh.. hehheee... tp pape pon ok gak.. kurus sket sbb sik berlari2 pi my tpt n his off.. bole marathon nih.. huhuhu..:P
esok rasanya my schedule ketat bangat.. hav to prepare paper for ITPRC Mtg on 3rd ni.. esok gak nak kner distribute those ke committee.. + kner clean up SAP Sys.. + update leave kat sys.. -only me hav d' ID utk msk adminnyer.. n yup.. bole jer mintak tlg org lain.. but they still hav to log in thru my id.. n my id bole msk other application terutama part financial.. n soooo bahayer klu pass d' id to others.. ^-^
esok cadang nak mkn kat gulai kawah ngn nurul.. tp rasenyer tokle kot sbb tomorrow kner dok kat cio's office.. + ada byk kerojer kner siapkan.. :(
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
hmm.. *wink*
-esok.. half day pg.. then on 9th half day ptg.. yea..yeaaaaa... :)
-10th, 17th & 18th.. full day on leave - she's back.. waaa gebestt btull.. huhuhu..:)
-currently tgh denga lg forever - initial D
-27th apr - make sure all papers to be incld in ITPRC dh received.. mai..mai.. sapa nak mintak duit.. huhuhu..:P
-3rd May - ITPRC ~ morning (big committee)
-4th May - ITPRC ~ morning (small committee) & QAC ~ afternoon session
major thng yg still pending :
-RFQ update ~ QAC - SAP
-PR release
Monday, April 23, 2007
when i'm near.. u jauh..
when i'm far.. u dekat la plak..
but pape pon..
i still hav to fin read those titas.. coz ths wed u're really..really near..
waaa... wa takut sama kamula.. hahahhaa...:P:P
k.. titas.. here i come to dl u dlm otak i.. yeaahaaaaaa......
Sunday, April 22, 2007
tiada dikau.. tiada makna..
baca title pon dh tau sedeh.. yup.. just fin read ths e-novel.. mmg sedeh.. sib baik bacer kat gumah.. klu bacer kat opis.. huh taktau ape jd..
~antara petikan dr e-novel ini..
Jangan diucap selamat tinggal
Pada diriku yang menantikanmu
Telah kau tunai seribu janji
Satu kau mungkiri
Hidup bersamaku
Tidakkah kau kasihan kepadaku
Yang mengharapkan cintamu
mengalir airmataku merintih dalam pilu
bila kau berlalu
Serikan semula mahligai hati yang lara
Bertahun lamaku tunggu
Bertaut cinta yang Satu
Berikan ku cinta sembuhkanlah luka lama
Selagi kasih membara
Daku setia selamanya
Jangan diucapkan perpisahan
Sayup suaramu
Membuaikan rindu
Pasrahku didalam kerinduan
Kasihku padamu
Subur dihatiku
Alunan lagu Sarah Raisudin begitu meruntun jiwa ku ketika ini. Bait liriknya bagaikan gambaran hidupku yang sedang merindu. Entah berapa kali hari ini lagu itu beralun di radio dan setiap kali ia keudara, seolah-olah ia membawa aku kembali kepada kisah semalamku. Aku memerhatikan ummi yang keluar masuk bilik membantuku berkemas sekaligus menamatkan lamunanku.
“Puan, ini jurnal peribadi arwah. Dia mahu saya serahkan kepada puan di hari pembacaan wasiat” Shaffiza menyerahkan sebuah buku yang dijilid cantik. Gambar pertama kami di Old Traffod menghiasi muka hadapan jurnal itu. Beberapa keping gambar lama kami di London termasuk gambar di hari perkahwinan kami menghiasi kulit belakangnya. Aku selak helaian demi helaian jurnal itu. Tiada Dikau, Tiada Makna…tajuk jurnal itu. Aku tidak mampu untuk terus menyelak helaian berikutnya, terlalu sarat dengan kenangan.
supposedly we have to go down by stairs but.. yerla org degil2 cm kitorg ni mner nak ikut stairs.. we hop to the lift.. cehh... dgn banggernyer plak tu naik lift..:P n of course we all have to make sure all of our team cukup.. mner la tau ada yg terrentung plak kan..nauzubillah... :P n.... waaaa... en Hamzan xde.. hahahahaa... ms tu kelam kabut call dier.. he's d' only one frm our side yg turun guna tangger.. habis basah baju...yerla.. it's 45th floor... kesiannn.. hahahhahaa...
tp yg bestnyer kan.. dia belanjer we all mkn + minum kat San France yg kat lobby tu.. :)
who cares anyway wht's d' title..:P
yeaaaaa.... peksa time... gulp..
i can see now d' SAP calling for me.. "shikin...shikin.... " huh.. menakutkan..
d' magic of d' rainbow.. really makes me cry.. opss tergembeng plak..:P
gembeng... hmm.. dulu tak tau pon kewujudan perkataan ni.. till la my fwen ni perkenalkan.. hahahaa.. thanks bro..:) tmbah satu lg perkataan dlm kamus hidup saya.. hahaha..:P:P
Monday, April 02, 2007
i'm full...
feeling smart.. :P
supposedly i'm published this entry last friday nite.. huhuhu...:P
hahahhaa... i'm feeling smart konon..:P whatever.. they ask me to pick one.. so decided to pick "smart" hahahaha... hmm... bz gak td kat office.. prepare for ITPRC's Mtg next monday... byk plak paper nak msk sitting kali ni.. the big committee up to 10 papers to be presented.. small committee pon samer.. smuer lumber2 nak mintak approval.. ya..ya... new yr means.. new project.. hahahhahaa... mmg costly.. huh...
few hours ago.. just finished answering my IBM test.. abis jer prepare paper for ITPRC td... nearly 6.45pm.. so sempat lgla nak survey2 ape yg ptt kat dlm buku tu.. my test start at 8.15pm. so, me just have half an hour to study for test.. pastu kner drive pi kelas plak.. last nite cadang nak bacer gak.. but end dgn buku bacer sayer.. hahahahhaa.... during lunch hour pi mkn kat secret recipe plak.. so x sempat nak bacer ms lunch hour td.. tp alhmdullh... apa yg dok selak2 setengah jam tu.. klua dlm test... alhmdullh...:) kire point2 dh adela.. isi just goreng jer.. hahahahhaa... n naib baik sempat smpi utk jawab test.. yerla..dtg2 jer td.. org smuer dh tekun jawab test.. klu jln tak jem.. gerenti sempat smpi.. huh.. tp papepon.. my test dh slamt jawab dh.. n whtever the result is.. i hav to admit it coz.. wht u pay tu yg u dpt kan.. so i'm not paying the max price.. so when the mrks rendah.. dun blame the price.. hahaahaaa... tp rasa insyaAllah kot.. ok kot.. aminnn..
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Husna's Wedding, 17 Mar 07

cantik lak color oren nih..:):)

happily married..:)

saye dtg lambat.. org smuer dh makan... hehe..:P

perjumpaan budak2 SMAKL..:)

ni la peneman sayer ms g wedding husna nih..:) thanks cayunk..:)
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
my page..
Monday, March 12, 2007
NOTE: cara btul untuk bermain bowling ialah, kita kner pastikan bola yg dilontarkan mestilah ke depan dan bukannya ke belakang or ke lane sebelah.. or jari masih tersekat pada bola even bola dh dilontarkan.. take note yer pemain2 semua.. hahahahahaha...:P
td memuler decide nak pi mynews jer.. kat stu senang sket.. grab ape yg patut.. pastu blah.. tp teraser cm nak mkn nasik la plak.. pastu teringat ikan mak msk td.. waduhhh... tu yg x jd pi mynews tu.. trus button lift ku tekan level 3.. k level 3.. here me come... hahahaa...
lgpon.. klu pi mynews tu.. pepaham jerla kan.. gerenti nyer budget lari.. name jer grab ape yg patut.. klu dh mender tu dok tayang depan muker.. tak ke patut aku grab mender2 tu skali.. :P mner taknyer.. keropok nak beli.. choc nak beli.. roti nak beli... air nak beli.. ice cream nak beli.. huh.. byk tu.. pastu nnti perut pon cepat gemok.. sbb kunyah tak henti2.. hahaha... kire exercise gak tu kan.. exercise mulut ngn gigi... n tak dilupakan juga, utk menyegahkan ep/dermis perut.. wakakkaaa...:P
In Detail:
Do not fall into the mental trap of thinking that being at home alone on a Friday or Saturday night is something to be sad about. Social obligations are not always everything they're cracked up to be, and you shouldn't accept an invitation just for the sake of being included in the crowd. Solitude is a gift to cherish right now -- it will recharge your batteries and help you understand how much power you have over your life. Do whatever you want.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Adilah... congratssss...!!!!
adilah.... u're soooooo gorgeous.. soooo dazzling... soooo stunning.. realllyyyyy... soo...sooo sweettt.... n da bomb of course..:) like ur make up.. like ur outfit.. like ur purple... like ur lovely smile.. heheheh.... Pn Adilah... congratttssss.... can't hardly wait u run the SAP Sys again.. hahhahhaa....:P now dear.. hav rest.. next week kat JB kan.. so sorry.. can't make it there..
Pn Adilah.... many.. many.. lovely wishes flying from me to you.. may your day after this will be bright as sun arise in d' morning.. ade byk vitamin tu.. so hope urs will be like that too.. full with harmony.. love.. happiness.. n dun forget... ur bro in law.. wakakakaa... *jgn mare adilah...:P
hmmm... i thought me the first to be there.. but kak yan dh dtg dulu.. hehehe... takpe.. me still dtg dulu dr Azlina n Firuzah.. :P tp balik ttp sama2... huhuhu...:P
note: supposedly tema hr ni ialah purple.. but me, firuzah n azlina wearing choc + orange.. hahahaha... bgus..bgus... at least we're under d' same umbrella... :P
Friday, March 09, 2007
scary movie on d' road..
-ermm...ten yrs later... InsyaAllah..
-where's d' guts..?
-that's how they make it.. ic..
-not interesting anymore.. they change everything
-so unpredictable..
-yup.. that's why you've got each other..:)
-whether you stumbled..tumbled or fumbled hope you make speedy recovery
dun try to understand... it just keep on hunting my mind.. so hav to post it here..:P
today - for 'cancer'
4 things you cannot recover...
1. The stone... after the throw
2. The word... after it's said
3. The occasion... after the loss
4. The time... after it's gone..
so.. hav to decide now.. what you shld do.. think before you said or done something.. learn on how to live.. coz life short.. :)
Thursday, March 08, 2007
all bout yesterday...
am i become more motivate or dmotivated..? hmmm...
today we'll drive own car.. she's having her discussion after class..
try to fin all d' pymnt/accrue by today..
purple.. hmmm.. hav to check my closet after ths..
The Equation
7 Glance = 1 Smile
Tension is when girlfriend is pregnant, and
Panic is when both are pregnant.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
hmmm... interesting.. but not all yg tepat..:P
Tahukah anda bahawa tarikh lahir anda juga boleh disesuaikan dengan kelompok haiwan seperti arnab, tikus, singa, kucing, merpati, penyu, harimau kumbang dan monyet. Ingin mengenali diri anda dengan lebih dekat? Caranya mudah sahaja, kenal pasti bilakah tarikh lahir anda serta lihat kesesuaian haiwan seperti yang telah dikategorikan dibawah!
Mmm... pasti anda akan mengenali diri anda dengan lebih mendalam selepas ini!
01 - 05 Februari
24 - 31 Mac
25 - 30 Jun
27 - 31 Julai
15 - 27 September
17 - 30 November
10 - 24 Januari
16 - 23 Mac
15 - 26 April
01 - 03 Jun
01 - 09 Julai
16 - 25 Ogos
01 - 09 Januari
01 - 03 April
15 - 20 Jun
10 - 15 Julai
28 - 30 September
01 - 16 Disember
25 - 31 Januari
13 - 15 Mac
22 - 31 Mei
01 - 16 November
06 - 14 Februari
14 - 21 Mei
16 - 26 Julai
01 - 14 September
26 - 31 Disember
15 - 21 Februari
27 - 30 April
04 - 14 Jun
26 - 31 Ogos
16 - 27 Oktober
01 - 12 Mac
01 - 13 Mei
21 - 24 Jun
01 - 15 Ogos
01 - 15 Oktober
17 - 25 Disember
22 - 28 Februari
04 - 14 April
28 - 31 Oktober
Individu yang tergolong dalam kategoriini ternyata memiliki penampilan yang menarik dan kebiasaannya popular dikalangan teman-teman. Sikap mu yang mudah bergaul menjadikan kamu antara individu yang mudah didekati dan bijak berkomunikasi dengan sesiapa sahaja tanpa mengira batasan usia mahupun bangsa. Sikap tenang dan bijak yang sememangnya jelas ada pada diri kamu itu juga sering mendapat perhatian ramai dan tidak hairanlah sekiranya kamu sering dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menjadi ketua dalam melaksanakan sesuatu tugasan secara berkumpulan.
Pemalu dan comel, itulah karakter yang mampu dilihat dengan jelas pada individu yang terdiri dari kelompok ini.Adakalanya individu ini lebih gemar mengikut orang lain dan kurang gemar untuk memulakan bicara atau berbual dengan individu yang tidak dikenalinya. Mereka juga terlalu berhati-hati dalam memilih teman. Dari sudut pandangan lain, ternyata individu dari kategori ini sentiasa bersikap baik hati kepada sesiapa sahaja.
Keperibadian individu dari kategori ini sentiasa menarik perhatian ramai. Kamu juga sentiasa memiliki perwatakan yang ceria dan agresif. Sikap ceria itu telah menarik minat ramai orang di sekelilingmu untuk menjalinkan ikatan persahabatan dengan mu. Tidak hairanlah sekiranya individu dari kategori ini memiliki ramai teman dan sentiasa bijak menyesuaikan diri walau dalam apa jua keadaan sekali pun. Walau bagaimanapun,sikap kamu yang gemar bergosip adakalanya agak kurang menyenangkan sesetengah pihak. Bagi kamu, itu semua tidak penting! Prinsip hidup kamu,'hidup mesti ceria!' Selain itu kamu juga gemar menarik perhatian orang disekeliling dan sentiasa ingin menjadi ketua dalam melaksanakan sesuatu perkara.
Sikap misteri mu agak menggusarkan orang di sekeliling mu. Walau bagaimanapun kamu tetap memiliki ramai teman. Emosimu yang sering berubah-ubah menjadikan individu di sekeliling mu sentiasa berhati-hati ketika bersama dengan mu. Selain itu, kamu juga sering dikaitkan dengan pelbagai gosip. Berdasarkan keperibadian yang kamu miliki, ternyata kamu sesuai memikul tanggungjawab sebagai seorang ketua.
'Diam-diam ubi berisi' itulah gambaran terdekat mengenai keperibadian mu. Kamu dikenali sebagai cekap dalam melaksanakan sesuatu tugasan yang diberikan. Sikap terlalu pemalu yang ada dalam diri mu itu harus dikurangkan.Selain itu, sikap kamu yang kelakar dan comel sentiasa menarik perhatian individu di sekeliling mu. Walaupun kamu tidak tergolong dalam kelompok kumpulan popular, dirimu tetap dikenali ramai.
Kamu memang dilahirkan sebagai pemimpin. Indivdiu di sekeliling mu sentiasa berasa selamat bila berdampingan denganmu. Kamu juga memiliki ramai teman dan berpewatakan menarik. Sikap peramah dan mesra yang sememangnya wujud secara semula jadi dalam diri mu telah menarik ramai orang untuk bersahabat dengan mu, maka tidak hairanlah sekiranya kamu memiliki teman baru saban hari.
Sikap lemah lembut dan baik hati memang ada dalam diri kamu. Namun, ada sesetengah pihak agak kurang senang hati dengan sikap mu kerana kamu sering menilai kehendak dan keinginan orang lain hanya berdasarkan persepsi pemikiran diri kamu sendiri. Walaubagaimanapun kamu adalah seorang teman yang dan tidak bersikap seperti 'talam dua muka'.
Kamu terlalu mudah untuk jatuh cinta. Kamu juga tergolong dalam kategori individu yang sentiasa bersikap tenang. Sememangnya kamu bukannya dari kalangan individu yang terlalu pemalu, namun kamu lebih gemar bersikap menyendiri dalam kehidupan harian mu.
hmmmm.... eheeee.. mine monyet..!!!! haaaa.. 1st statement tu btul la kot.. but yg tang gosip2 ni btul ka..? hmmm ni kner tnyer org lain ni.. suker tarik perhatian org ek.. hmmm dlm x sedar kot syer tarik.. wakakakaa... erm.. tp bro..!!! kiter satu grp la... pttla kat gumh tu bising jer.. hahhahaa... ade geng rupernyer..:P waaaaa... c's urs 100% gud one la.. banggernyer dpt adik cmni..:P Din.. we need to change la.. xnakla jd monyet.. cm ape jer.. kiter jd cm kak idah nak..:) hehhee..:P
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
ok.. lega... settle.. hmmm d' RM85.00 pon syer xyah byr.. selamat duit.. n MARA, u hav to thanks to me too... *wink..wink* alhmdullah... thanks to Him and thanks to Pn Hjh Zakiah too..:) seronok..seronok..:) dh x geram dh..:) legaaaa sesangat..:) she said dorg kan tarik balik final letter tu.. ok.. Thanks Puan.. appreciate ur help + cooperation.. :)
marah ngn uitm..!!!!
balik2 jer rumah smlm.. i got a letter frm uitm.. they highlighted "GUGUR TARAF SEBAGAI PELAJAR UITM, SEMESTER DISEMBER 2006-APRIL 2007" haaa.. spe x tekejut.. klu ade heart attack ms tu gak la...... alhmdullh.. tenang jer ms tu.. :) sebb musababnyer dorg kua kan letter tu, 1st, they found me x register for ths sem.. waaa.. ni kes fitnah ni.. already registered, n my name listed in d' class what.. if my name listed, then it proves that me already registered.. hampeh.. kjer memain jer dorg ni.. at least call me first.. ask for confirmation.. or they can check in sys.. ok.. maybe their sys corrupted.. but my data is in there.. they can just call me kan..kan..kan.. kua kan la reminder letter dulu.. ni tak.. terus final letter... hampas gas btul la.. ni my future tau.. seselamber jer buat citer tipu.. geramm..geramm..
ok 2d reason, me, x byr lg yuran.. haa.. ni lg geram sihhh.. as far as i knw, me stll under MARA.. so the pymnt shld under MARA's responsibility la kan.. all ths while ok jer dorg relate ngn MARA.. nape biler sem ni plak hav prob.. aisehhh geram..geram... ke dorg ade scandal ngn MARA yg i dun knw..? did i miss s'thng..? hmmm... then sesedap raser jer suruh me byr RM85.00 for fees.. aik.. ni dh lebih nih.. ok.. Admit.. RM85.00 not as much as my yuran.. BUT... it stll money maa... wth that RM85 i can buy lot.. isi minyak keta pon bole melimpah ruah.. haaaa.... byk tuh... lantakla org nak kater i'm the kemut person ker ape ker.. but that's my money...!!! sesuker hati jer nak charge kat org.. ok, if syer salah.. bolela terima ngn rela hati.. but ths already over limits la.. not my fault.. their fault.. but they charge to me.. x adill.. x adil..
finally yg naikkan suhu kegeraman... when i called the person in charge.. dhla suare garang giller... pastu bolela plak dok blame me.. asking why i tak bg tau dorg.. they dun even ask for my confirmation.. just send me the final letter n now they blame me for not clarify to them earlier.. waaaa... sesedap jer pepagi kner leter... br jer korek telinger.. dier ni plak tmbh kan lg kekotoran kat telinger ku... hmmm... saba..saba.. pasni nak pi email trus kat HJh Haliza tu.. hope can settle ths thing by today.. waaaa... my future.... Ya Allah tolongla hambamu ini.. aminnn.... wish me luck ehhh... *klu btul they halau me out before i'm grad.. then u wait for my sue letter.. legal action la kan.. i got lot of proof saying tht i'm not guilty.. huhuhu... geram tahap gaban nih...:P
Monday, March 05, 2007
insafla shikinnn...!!!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
kopi.. very interesting..:)
Sekumpulan alumni yang mempunyai kedudukan dan tahap yang tinggi dalam kerjaya mereka membuat perjumpaan di rumah profesor yang mengajar mereka ketika di universiti dahulu.....
Mereka berbual-bual dalam perbagai topik dan perbualan itu bertukar kepada rasa "stress" atau tekanan yang mereka hadapi di tempat kerja ataupun kehidupan mereka. Profesor mereka masuk ke dapur dan kembali semula dengan sebuah teko besar berisi kopi dan pelbagai jenis cawan dan gelas. Ada yang diperbuat dari porselin, plastik, kaca dan kristal. Ada yang nampak biasa dan ada yang kelihatan begitu mahal.
Profesor itu menyuruh mereka menuang sendiri kopi tersebut. Setelah semua bekas pelajarnya mengambil kopi masing- masing, profesor itu berkata; " Jika anda semua perasan, semua cawan yang cantik dan mahal telah diambil dan meninggalkan cawan yang biasa dan kelihatan murah.
Ini adalah keadaan yang biasa di mana anda semua mahukan yang terbaik dalam hidup anda tetapi itulah punca kepada masalah dan "stress" yang anda semua hadapi." Apa yang sebenar anda perlukan adalah kopi, bukan cawannya tetapi anda sendiri telah memilih untuk mengambil cawan yang terbaik.
Dan lebih teruk dari itu, anda memerhatikan cawan yang diambil oleh orang lain."Kehidupan adalah kopi. Kerjaya, wang dan kedudukan anda dalam masyarakat adalah cawan tersebut. Cawan itu hanyalah alat untuk mengisi kandungannya iaitu kehidupan. Kehidupan tidak berubah. Hanya alatnya yang berubah.
Kadangkala kita terlalu fokus kepada cawan yang kita pegang sehingga kita gagal untuk menikmati kopinya. Dengan itu nikmatilah kehidupan yang ada.....Dan hayatilah apa sebenarnya yang anda inginkan dalam kehidupan ini......
Sunday, February 25, 2007
spice ur life...ermmm..pedas..pedas...;-))
'she was so sweet n young..n her life was just begun..' -spice gurls-
hmm.. am i like this gurl..? sweet..? hahaha... lawak..lawak.. not as sweet as her la kan.. but chommell ade kot.. if shue read this.. m'ti dier muntah sebaldi.. ke duer baldi shue..? :P but next sentence tu rase cm ada kena sket kot.. my life pon rasernyer cmtu.. still in d' beginning.. still learning on how to walk by ownself.. and the 'why' thing sometimes hunt me.. alhmdullh, thanks to Him, His blessing always with me.. :) Alhmdullh..:)
'something' !?!
so..just hav to wait la till the time where that 'something' no longer a gud hider and me become a very2 gud seeker.. nnti bolela buka clinic psycho kan..kan..kan.. :)
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
esok.. ada apa dengan esok ek..? esok kat sni, tarikhnyer = 22 feb 2007 ini maknenyer.. umo ku telah msk 23 tahun 8 bulan.. huhuhu.. means x lame jer lg msk 24.. cepatnyer ms berlalu..:) so.. tu dh bg hint tu biler b-date ku.. ape lg.. cecepatla sediakan hadiah ek.. wakaka... *sempat lg tu promote*
17th Feb 2007 yg lepas.. hafsa n izni nyer majlis kawin.. ku pergi..spupuku temankan.. tula idah.. lmbat sgt balik.. kan tepakse buat muker tebal ajak org..huhuhu.. syer x kisah jer klu wedd' tu siang.. tp sbb wed' tu mlm + tak tau cmner nak pi menare pgrm tula daku tepakser minta my cousin temankan.. papepon.. you rawks la dear cousin.. many2 thanks to you.. nni org belanjer coklat cadbry ek.. hhahaha..:P
pd mlm yg same gak lepas balik dr majlis izni.. cousin ku dgn baik hatinyer bawak ku ngk roda gergasi.. *eye on m'sia tu* tp gamai bangat la org beratur.. padahal dh pkul 11.30mlm dh.. ramai gak org.. xpaham btul aku.. *temskla aku ngn cousinku ni yg xreti2 nak balik lg..* biler ingt balik kan ms tu cm klaka giller sbb pi sner dgn semangat kebangsaan btul .. dgn wearing a kebaya + excited bangat nak naik roda gergasi tu + waktu mlm plak tu... mmg klaka..
tp x naik pon roda tu..:( sbb ramai sgt org + malas nak tunggu + malas nak beratur + malas nak berdiri + rase cm ayu sesangat utk naik mender tu dgn kebaya... hahaha..:P
esoknyer plak kitorg (mak, din, mak ngh, pak ngh, bg man + wife + in laws + cousin ku yg temankan aku mlm td tu) pi mandi kat ulu yam.. siap buat bbq lg.. tp bkn me la yg membakar nyer.. bg man + wife dier la chef utk bbq kali ni.. heehe... sedap ayam tu..;) nape name tpt tu ulu yam ek..? nape tak ulu yem ke..? ulu yom ker..? uitm ker..? *gerenti marah klu pengasas uitm bacer ni* hehee... hilir ker... barat ker..? darat ker..? hmmm... sper bole jwb nih ek..? silakan..silakan.. jgn memalu..jgn sesegan..:) syer sudi bentang tikar kat sni utk sambut jawapan anda..huhuhu..:P
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Izni's Wedding, 17 feb 07

hehe.. mcm pejumpaan sekolah lak..:P:P


cik cikin ngn pengantin..:) tahniah izni..:)

cik cikin je yg pandang camera..:P

sayer ngn ais yg beku..:P

haaaa... tu la cik abg wan yg kiter mention td..:) tinggi kan dier..:) cik anis bj ijau tu tangkap cintan ngn abg wan nih.. hehehehe..:P

senyummmmm..:) *opss lg sket nk tejatuh...*

cik cikin ngn abg wan..:) *cousin yg paling tinggi..* hehehe..:)

senyum lg...:)

erkk.. tecekik.. heheh..:P

senyummm.... *depan lift pun jd..*

hmmm.. nape muke masing2 dh lain2 yer.. huhu.. :P

kitorg ngn encik ali..:)

mari2 kiter begamba..:) *tukang amik gambanyer abg wan.. heheheh... cian dier..:P macih tau abg wan..:)

posing lg...:)