Tuesday, April 24, 2007

hmm.. *wink*

-today... wearing kebaya.. waaa dh gemok... + dh tinggi hahahahaha..:P
-esok.. half day pg.. then on 9th half day ptg.. yea..yeaaaaa... :)
-10th, 17th & 18th.. full day on leave - she's back.. waaa gebestt btull.. huhuhu..:)
-currently tgh denga lg forever - initial D
-27th apr - make sure all papers to be incld in ITPRC dh received.. mai..mai.. sapa nak mintak duit.. huhuhu..:P
-3rd May - ITPRC ~ morning (big committee)
-4th May - ITPRC ~ morning (small committee) & QAC ~ afternoon session

major thng yg still pending :
-RFQ update ~ QAC - SAP
-PR release


Anonymous said...

bgtau skit ape rahsia menambah ketinggian tu ;)

cikin said...

senang jer... mudah jer.. bykkan tdo.. hahahahhaha...:P:P:P